Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Death and Taxes

It's tax day and what could be more fun than a look at some of the places that America's tax dollars are going!

Percentage of US discretionary budget spent on education and other social services: 8%

Percentage of US discretionary budget spent for military: 53% - 57% (depending on how you calculate it)

US Military Budget as a percent of World total military expenditures: 49%

Number of Americans classified as “food insecure” in 2004: 38 million

Number of Americans without health insurance: 45 million

Total direct aid to Israel 1948-2006: $255 billion

Total Cost of US Support for Israel: $1.688 trillion

Federal aid for each resident in Louisiana in 2002: $1,500

Direct U.S. aid for each Israeli citizen in 2003: $581

Direct U.S. aid for each Ethiopian citizen in 2004: $2.50

Percentage of U.S. foreign aid that goes to Israel: 27%

Population of Israel as percentage of total world population: 0.1%

Number of Palestinian minors killed by Israeli security forces (2000-2007): 814

Total number of Palestinians injured or killed (September 2000-April 2007):

Number of bullets fired by Israeli security forces in the first week of the
second Intifada: 1,300,000

Number of unexploded Israeli bombs strewn across South Lebanon after the 2006 war: 1,000,000 or 1.4 per resident

Slightly modified from the 1040 ez tax form available at

This came to me via Mazin Qumsiyeh, but I think it's been floating out in the world wide web for a while...Chart from the War Resister's League.

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