Friday, March 05, 2010

Israeli Apartheid Week: Guess who's on the boycott list!

Guess. Really, guess. Come on.

You might be thinking boycotting Israeli apartheid doesn't have anything to do with you. After all, you're not going to be building a building a renting a CAT bulldozer (CAT manufactures bulldozers that Israel uses to demolish Palestinian homes) and you don't have the money to buy your mom Ahava (which steals dead sea resources from Palestine). So think boycott doesn't have anything to do with you, right?

No, guess. Just guess who you could be boycotting right now.

How about Blockbuster? Yep, there are blockbusters in illegal Israeli settlements. You could make your movie night a night for justice just by boycotting Blockbuster. Pretty cool, right?

Or how about Ace hardware? Yeah, Ace makes money off of Israeli apartheid too. They're selling in settlements built on Palestinian land, so buy from somewhere else when you're building your new deck.

And then there's Motorola. Now there's a company who really deserve to be the target of our boycott. Motorola provides communication equipment to the Israeli military. Let's hang up on them.

So, congratulations. You - yes you! - can boycott Israeli apartheid. Join the campaign!

1 comment:

Tessa said...

Thanks for posting this information. I honestly had no idea!